Holy Trinity Church follows the rules of Holy Matrimony as set forth by the Diocese of Honolulu. Ordinarily those receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony are parishioners of Holy Trinity Church.
However, if you are from another parish and desire to be married at Holy Trinity Church, all paperwork and preparation must be completed in your home parish. The permission of your pastor is required and a letter with the parish seal must be sent to Holy Trinity Church for verification. All paperwork needs to be received at Holy Trinity Church no later than two months prior to the wedding.
Wedding ceremonies should take place in the Church and may include a Mass or be simple rite.
Wedding ceremonies are not customary during the seasons of Advent or Lent. However, if an exception is granted, decorations should not be elaborate and that the number of participants in the wedding party be kept to a minimum (bridesmaids and groomsmen).